
By Abby (Gail) Greenberg, Head Office Administrator and Marketing Coordinator

CBB is so excited to be among the many camps and organizations participating this year in the social media campaign for the #ThankstoCamp movement. #ThankstoCamp is a national platform designed to share the impact camp has had on the lives of hundreds of thousands of Canadians who attended summer camps throughout the country. Brought about by the Canadian Camping Association (CCA), this marketing initiative is asking for campers, staff, alumni & parents to share their stories about how camp has changed their lives.

I originally learned about the #ThankstoCamp social media campaign when attending the Ontario Camp’s Association annual conference on behalf of CBB of Ottawa. I started to think about the major impacts my own camp journey had on my personal and professional life. I started at CBB in 2007 as a first-year A Girl. I continued as a camper all the way up to a Pathfinder (PC). In 2013, I was a Counsellor-in-training (CIT), then a staff on Junior Girls, then the Unit Head of Juniors in 2017. This summer, I will yet again be working for CBB as the office administrator. Assisting at the front desk last summer, I coined the nickname “Gail” for myself, since more than one Abigail working in the office proved a little complicated. This year, when I got accepted into my university’s Co-op program, I had the immediate idea of completing a term at camp. So, for Summer 2018, my very long title is: “Head Office Administrator and Marketing Coordinator,” but I like to call it the “Gail” position.

#Thankstocamp, I was able to turn my favourite summer job into a university-credited marketing Co-op!

Check out some of our very own (Head of Jewish Life and Staff Rec) Larry Ginsburg’s reason why he is thankful for camp.

#Thankstocamp I continue to grow as a dynamic Jewish educator!

If you are a camper, staff, alumni, or parent who wants to get involved in this fantastic initiative, please send me an email at frontdesk@cbbottawa.com and include a picture of yourself holding a sign that says #thankstocamp, as well as a few short words on how camp has made an impact on your lives.